Why use industrial dehumidifiers for wood drying?

We all know that just cut back the wood is fresh, so the moisture content in the wood is relatively large, generally need to be dried before processing and use. The traditional drying method is

We all know that just cut back the wood is fresh, so the moisture content in the wood is relatively large, generally need to be dried before processing and use. The traditional drying method is natural shade drying, but time-consuming and inefficient, not suitable for furniture manufacturers; if you use drying equipment, temperature and humidity is not controllable, the time is not good control, when the wood has been baked by the high temperature will lead to its rupture, and directly make the wood loss of the value of use.

In fact, when wood is placed in a certain environment, the moisture content will slowly come to an equilibrium value for the equilibrium moisture content of the environment. If the moisture content of the wood is greater than the equilibrium moisture content of the surrounding environment, the wood will shrink to exclude moisture, and vice versa will absorb moisture and expand. The drying of wood should be appropriate, otherwise it will lead to a series of problems, such as drying and shrinking, cracking, bending and deformation, mold, which seriously affects the overall quality of wood products.

Configuration of dehumidifier in the drying room, the use of dehumidifier dehumidification function to dry wood, this method will not be affected by the weather seasons, can be fast and efficient drying of wood, compared with the natural drying is more efficient.

Dehumidifier can condense the water molecules in the air into water droplets, and then the processed dry air out of the dehumidifier, so that if the cycle can make the indoor humidity to maintain at the right level of humidity, the room will not be so humid, and finally complete the drying of the environment, and further extraction of moisture in the wood to achieve the drying of wood. In the use of dehumidifier drying wood, just need to dry the wood placed, it is best to leave a certain gap between the two adjacent pieces of wood, so as to speed up the drying speed.

Many customers reflect through the dehumidifier drying wood, wood strength and toughness and natural shade after drying the wood is not much different, quality assurance at the same time shorten the drying time of the wood, but also to reduce manpower expenditures, for the enterprise to win higher interests.
