How do you dehumidify a basement that's too humid?

Basement, the general first impression is dark and damp, often used to store sundries. However, in recent years, economic development, living standards, especially house, villa owners of basement

Basement, the general first impression is dark and damp, often used to store sundries. However, in recent years, economic development, living standards, especially house, villa owners of basement remodeling standards are also improving. Basement dampness is also becoming more and more important, not only affecting the living experience, long-term water seepage will also damage the building structure, perennial wet basement will also cause disease.

It is a known fact that spaces that have high humidity levels, many people will often open the windows to let the air circulate. Similarly, if a humid basement happens to have a window, of course it should be opened to allow air to circulate and let the wind blow into the basement, which will reduce the humidity. Indoor humidity in a basement can be reduced by speeding up air convection between the indoor and outdoor spaces, but it cannot be precisely and completely controlled. If you are living in a basement for an extended period of time, or if you are using it to house something that can't get wet, consider utilizing up quicklime. Spreading some quicklime in the corners of the walls will absorb moisture and thus reduce the humidity of the air. However, the desiccant should be changed every once in a while to ensure effectiveness. The use of desiccant dehumidification, on the one hand, is more labor-intensive, but also health and safety hazards. Many basements in China are completely underground, and the ventilation is not very good. Therefore, dehumidification must be carried out with the help of equipment, and many people will choose dehumidifiers. parkoo dehumidifier, as long as a key to turn on the automatic dehumidification, not only can quickly remove excess moisture in the air in the basement space, but also to effectively control the humidity. In addition, it also adopts a large air volume and high efficiency fan, small size, high efficiency, smooth operation, and large air volume, precise control of the basement humidity, and care for the health of the family.
