Do you know how to set the humidity in your dehumidifier at home?

Damp environment mold is more likely to breed, not conducive to our health. Household dehumidifier, can dry the environment, care for the health of the family, can be seen its role is very big.

Damp environment mold is more likely to breed, not conducive to our health. household dehumidifier, can dry the environment, care for the health of the family, can be seen its role is very big. However, only the correct use of dehumidifiers, humidity control of the environment properly, in order to play its maximum effectiveness.

When we use dehumidifier, we need to set a suitable humidity value, perhaps many people will think that this humidity value is the lower the better, in fact, is wrong.

Humidity should be set according to their own feeling of humidity, the number of people in the space, the size of the space and other actual conditions.

The human body's optimal humidity is 45%RH-60%RH, home dehumidifier set this humidity range is the most appropriate. Generally set inside the home to control the temperature below 60%RH, you can effectively prevent moisture and dehumidification, there will be no mold and mildew. Usually in the state of rest, sleep and other less activity, space relative humidity control at about 60% RH, the human body feels more comfortable.

The use of dehumidifiers, humidity is set too low, people feel dry, at the same time will be due to the difference between indoor and outdoor humidity, moisture diffusion faster, resulting in frequent compressor start and stop, shortening its service life, but also consume more energy.

Choose a home dehumidifier, say goodbye to humidity, and enjoy a healthy and beautiful life. PARKOO builds the core competitiveness of the enterprise with "technological innovation and excellent quality" to ensure that customers are more satisfied when they use it than when they buy it.
