How to dehumidify a damp basement

Due to the lower temperatures, the relative humidity of the basement environment is generally high, and humidity is one of the most important problems to be solved in the daily management of the basem...

Due to the lower temperatures, the relative humidity of the basement environment is generally high, and humidity is one of the most important problems to be solved in the daily management of the basement, accompanied by unpleasant odors, and dehumidification becomes particularly important.

There are usually some obvious geographic causes for basement moisture: leaks in the foundation of the house, water seeping through small cracks in the walls, or even leaks in the plumbing, and people's daily activities, all of which can lead to an increase in humidity in the basement.

Basements are spaces excavated in underground rock formations surrounded by groundwater and mountain fissure water, and infiltration is one of the most important causes of moisture in underground work. Pore water and water table are external conditions that influence the formation of water seepage, and for completed projects these factors have relatively little influence. Weaknesses in the envelope and concrete capillaries are internal conditions for the formation of water seepage and are the main cause of leakage.

Basement waterproofing, mainly to prevent water infiltration into the interior of the ground or wall, the key is to choose a good waterproof material in the early stage of renovation, while paying attention to the construction of quality assurance. However, waterproofing is not the same as moisture, basement humidity is more critical because the moisture of the ambient air is too high, moisture mainly for air humidity.

Moisture transfer factor, the passage of time allows the wall moisture to escape into the space, thus increasing the humidity. Ventilation systems in basements are generally poor, along with a lack of absence of sunlight, so moisture stays in the basement and continues to increase, resulting in a high relative humidity in the space. The prolonged action of moisture air pressure can lead to blistering and peeling of the waterproofing coating layer, causing structural damage and aggravating the moisture in the space. This reveals that basement moisture control and dehumidification is extremely important.

Lime etc. can reduce the ambient humidity in the basement, but the effect is limited and slow, regular attention and replacement of lime etc. is required to maximize the dehumidification effect.

Basement moisture control ideal scientific measures is to configure the basement dehumidifier, in order to achieve the effect of temperature and humidity control. PARKOO basement dehumidifier, large suction, suitable for a wide range of environmental dehumidification, can efficiently control the environment to the relative humidity control at about 55%.
