A quick response is required to prevent any production downtime caused by condensation. PARKOO has provided a temporary condensation control system (CCS) to address Claxton's condensation related issues. These systems can usually be provided within 24 to 48 hours to meet customers' immediate dehumidification needs. CCS works by providing dehumidifying air that absorbs moisture and controls the formation of condensates. CCS consists of a desiccant dehumidifier, a cooling module, and a cooler p>
Within a few hours of equipment installation, condensation begins to disappear. Claxton's complex manager John Seibel said, 'Poultry operates without condensed NR. The warning letter from the Ministry of Agriculture was cancelled during the 90 day business period and no NR (non compliant record) was received.' . Claxton also saw other benefits of using dehumidification. A large number of workers are committed to eliminating condensation and installing plastic films. These workers are now able to perform other functions within the facility, reducing labor costs. The sanitary facilities in the factory have been improved due to the use of dehumidification operations, and Claxton has been able to operate sanitary equipment for the start of transfer. This allows for "on time" transfer to begin, which improves production management. The defrosting cycle of existing cooling equipment has been reduced from four times a day to once, as desiccant dehumidification delivers air at lower dew point temperatures p>
Claxton poultry installed a permanent condensation control system in the visceral and further processing areas in 2004 to prevent condensation, and is currently evaluating other aspects of the factory p>