Introduction of refrigerant (refrigerant) of r134a and r22 Dehumidifier

Refrigerant, also known as refrigerant, snow seed Refrigerant is a substance that transfers heat through evaporation and condensation in the air conditioning system, commonly known as Freon The compre...

Refrigerant, also known as refrigerant, snow seed

Refrigerant is a substance that transfers heat through evaporation and condensation in the air conditioning system, commonly known as Freon

The compressor of the dehumidifier is the same as the air conditioner, so the refrigerant is also the same. For the calculation method of the relevant operating power, please refer to: Tips on Conversion of units of Refrigeration Engineering (RT) - horsepower (HP) - power (KW)

Refrigerant is a kind of substance that is easy to absorb heat and turn into gas and heat release into liquid. Early refrigeration plants used ammonia gas as a cooling coal, and when ammonia was under pressure, it released heat and became a liquid; When a high-pressure liquid is reduced to a gas, it absorbs heat. The commonly used air conditioners in daily life use chlorofluorocarbons as cooling coal, but the previously used chlorofluorocarbons can damage the ozone layer. Scientists have developed chlorofluorocarbons that do not damage the ozone layer. Ideal refrigerant is non-toxic, non explosive, non corrosive to metals and non-metals, non flammable, easy to detect when leaking, chemically stable, non destructive to lubricating oil, has high latent heat of evaporation, and is environmentally friendly

household dehumidifier generally use refrigerant model: R-134a, and industrial dehumidifier generally use refrigerant model: R22

R-134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane) is a refrigerant that does not contain chlorine atoms, does not damage the ozone layer, and has good safety performance (non flammable, non explosive, non-toxic, non irritating, non corrosive), Its refrigerating capacity and efficiency are very close to R-12 (dichloro Difluoromethane, Freon), so it is considered as an excellent long-term alternative refrigerant. R-134a is currently internationally recognized as the best environmentally friendly alternative to R-12. Completely non ozone depleting, it is an environmentally friendly refrigerant recognized and recommended by the vast majority of countries in the world, and is also a mainstream environmentally friendly refrigerant widely used for the initial installation and re addition of new refrigeration and air conditioning equipment during maintenance. R134a has very low toxicity and is not flammable in the air. Its safety category is A1, making it a very safe refrigerant

Molecular formula


boiling point (101.3kpa)/℃


critical temperature/℃


critical pressure/kpa


liquid density/kg/m


saturated Vapor pressure (25 ℃)/kPa


Enthalpy of vaporization/Evaporative latent heat (at boiling point, 1 atm)/kJ/kg


ozone depleting potential/(ODP)


global warming potential/ (GWP, 100 yr)


ASHRAE safety level

A1 (non-toxic and non flammable)

Saturated liquid density 25 ℃/g/m


Liquid specific heat 25 ℃/[KJ/(Kg · ℃)]


Solubility (in water, 25 ℃)/%


Global warming coefficient value/(GWP)


Critical density/g/cm


Evaporation potential at boiling point/KJ/Kg


R22 is a colorless, almost odorless gas at room temperature, non flammable, non explosive, non corrosive, slightly more toxic than R12, but still a safe refrigerant, classified as A1; Under pressure, it can liquefy into a colorless and transparent liquid. R22 has high chemical and thermal stability, especially in the absence of water, and does not react with general metals below 200 ℃. When water is present, it only acts slowly with alkali. But cracking occurs at high temperatures. R22 is a low-temperature refrigerant that can achieve a cooling temperature of -80 ℃

Molecular Weight


Boiling Point ℃


Relative Density (30 ℃), Liquid, g/cm3


Melting Point ℃


Critical Temperature ℃


Critical Pressure MPa


Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)


Global Warming System Value (GWP)


Freezing point ℃


Liquid specific heat 30 ℃, [KJ/(Kg · ℃)]


Saturated liquid density 30 ℃, (g/cm3)


Isobaric vapor specific heat (Cp), 30 ℃ and 101.3kPa [KJ/(Kg · ℃)]

Critical density, g/cm3


Evaporation potential at boiling point, KJ/Kg

