Humidity Control of Industrial Dehumidifier in Water Treatment Plant

The nature of the water treatment industry puts it at a disadvantage in environments with high humidity, which directly affects the infrastructure of factories and causes problems with mechanical and ...

The nature of the water treatment industry puts it at a disadvantage in environments with high humidity, which directly affects the infrastructure of factories and causes problems with mechanical and electronic equipment

In the following areas of this factory, the influence of humidity is most obvious:

Humidity Control of Industrial Dehumidifier in Water Treatment Plant

Metal structure: oxidation

When the relative humidity in the environment exceeds 50%, the oxidation process of metal materials shows Exponential growth growth: pipes, valves, pumps, tanks and metal surfaces usually oxidize faster, and their service life and quality index decrease

Metal structure: condensation

In addition to the oxidation process originating from high humidity in the environment, there is also additional oxidation caused by condensation in water treatment plants.

The humidity inside the factory can condense on any surface where the dew point temperature is lower than the air temperature, which is normal on the external metal surfaces of pipelines and water tanks

Electrical and Electronic Equipment: Damage

Electrical and electronic equipment in water treatment plants play an important role in monitoring and controlling the processes involved.

These processes may be affected by faults and degradation caused by high humidity in electronic circuits, which is detrimental to the smooth operation of the factory

Solution: Humidity sources and their handling

The main sources of humidity for this type of device are as follows:

Penetration Ventilation Opening of doors and windows Evaporate from an open water tank

A series of calculations can be conducted to evaluate the impact of these factors and estimate the total amount to determine the amount of water that needs to be eliminated to maintain low humidity levels and prevent damage caused by humidity.

For example, PARKOO rotary dehumidifier are used to prevent problems in the pump room, improve the service life of this expensive equipment and require continuous maintenance

PARKOO industrial dehumidifier has many years of experience in dehumidification application engineering and can provide humidity and humidity control solutions for various industrial applications

For details, please consult the national service hotline: 400-900-9199
