How to use household Dehumidifier reasonably and correctly

1. Let the air circulate around the Dehumidifier. Many Dehumidifier can be installed against the wall if an air exhaust device is installed on the top. If your machine does not have this function, you...

1. Let the air circulate around the dehumidifier. Many Dehumidifier can be installed against the wall if an air exhaust device is installed on the top. If your machine does not have this function, you should ensure that you have enough space around the machine. Do not place it on walls or furniture. Better air circulation will make your machine work more efficiently

Aim for approximately 6-12 inches of airflow space around your Dehumidifier

2. Carefully place the hose. If you are using a hose to drain the sink, place the hose in the sink or bathtub without falling out of the sink. Regularly check to ensure that the hose has not been moved and is still properly discharged into the sink. If the hose does not want to remain in place, use hemp thread to secure the hose to the faucet Keep the hose away from the power socket and wires to prevent electric shock Use the shortest possible hose. Someone may trip over a long hose

3. Keep the Dehumidifier away from dust sources. Keep the Dehumidifier away from sources that generate dirt and dust, such as wood processing equipment

4. Set your Dehumidifier in the wettest room. The usually wettest rooms are bathrooms, laundry rooms, and basements. These are the most typical places to install Dehumidifier

When the ship is moored at the wharf, the Dehumidifier can also be used on the ship

5. Install the Dehumidifier in a room. The most effective use of Dehumidifier is in a room with closed doors and windows. You can install it on the wall between two rooms, but this will reduce its efficiency and make the machine more difficult to process

6. Place the Dehumidifier in the center of the room. Many Dehumidifier are wall mounted, but there are many portable models. If possible, please place the Dehumidifier near the center of the room. This will help the machine work more efficiently

7. Install your Dehumidifier in the HVAC system. Some larger equipment, such as parkoo dehumidifier, is specially designed for hooking up to your HVAC system. These are installed with duct kits and other installation accessories

You may want to hire professionals to install the Dehumidifier in your HVAC system

PARKOO is a leader in the field of dehumidification, providing you with a solution provider for all humidity control and dehumidification needs

PARKOO Dehumidifier is designed to meet the most stringent humidity/humidity control requirements, and can range from household dehumidification schemes to complex industrial engineering systems PARKOO has years of experience in dehumidification application engineering and has received relevant training to provide humidity and humidity control solutions for various industrial applications PARKOO provides the simplest and most economical solution for humidity related issues. For more information, please consult the national service hotline: 400-900-9199
