Automatically extract an appropriate amount of humidity from the home p>
"It doesn't have as much heat as humidity." Almost every family has a real phrase p>
When it's stuffy outside, it's stuffy inside. And the excess humidity will make you feel miserable. You can literally see, feel, and smell it:
Indoor condensation appears on windows, mirrors, and cold drinks
Your house becomes a breeding ground for insects
Wood flooring, pruning, and wooden furniture warping or rotting
At normal indoor temperatures, There will be uncomfortable sweating
The skin feels sticky in winter and hot in summer
The room smells musty
High humidity can cause health problems
There is no dehumidifier, Excess moisture can cause:
mold to mold
dust mites to thrive
These pollutants can cause asthma, allergies, and other diseases p>
"More than one hundred ordinary people and 90% of allergic asthma patients are sensitive to dust mites. Recent studies in the United States show that at least 45% of young people with asthma are allergic to dust mites." - American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology p> Your air conditioning is designed to control temperature, not humidity. You need humidity control to maintain a comfortable and healthy condition at home p>
As a part of the household heating and cooling system, the household dehumidifier is installed. It can be used in conjunction with your air conditioner or run independently as needed to eliminate the ideal amount of water to solve the above problems. But not so much, your home has become too dry p>
This is done in the whole family, using a single external source - unlike a portable Dehumidifier p>
Other advantages of the household Dehumidifier include:
Automatic humidity detection: it can better monitor and control humidity
Convenient, quiet operation: it is far away from living space
Low maintenance Dehumidifier: it is easy to filter and clean every year
Fresh air ventilation: it can automatically remove or dilute polluted air
Model PD602 PARKOO provides convenient and efficient temperature control, Humidity and all indoor air quality accessories p>
You can control your comfort level
Various control options allow you to modify automatic settings based on personal preferences. Digital control is easily installed in your living space and automatically controls humidity levels. But if you are willing, you can simply adjust the settings as needed to change the humidity level p>
Find the right Dehumidifier for you
All families need humidity control. Some southern climates require a whole year. We provide Dehumidifier series that meet your family's needs and are suitable for your family's use. Please make sure to ask the PARKOO dealer to recommend a suitable solution for you. Find a dealer or use our solution finder to learn how to achieve a more comfortable and healthy home today p>