Dehumidifier prevents corn from mildew and avoids livestock poisoning

We are what we eat! When we check for a wide range of nutrition related diseases and illnesses, this will reach home. Some situations are caused by nutritional imbalances Others have their roots else...
We are what we eat! When we check for a wide range of nutrition related diseases and illnesses, this will reach home. Some situations are caused by nutritional imbalances; Others have their roots elsewhere, but can be addressed through specialized nutrition. Here, let's take a look at the moldy corn poisoning incident

Dozens of fungi and molds can attack corn, oats and barley, especially when grain is stored in a high humidity environment without a dehumidifier. When he puts his nose in a "furry" feed bucket, mold not only poses a threat to the respiratory health of your horse, but also emits a toxin called mycotoxin, which can be deadly

Mycotoxins may cause reproductive, digestive, neurological, and motor problems in horses. Adding paralysis, allergies, brain damage, and gradual deterioration of organ function to this list can in turn affect the breathing, feed efficiency, and growth rate of adolescents. One of the most dangerous things is that most of the molds that affect grains do not affect the palatability of the feed. If the taste or odor of the ration does not change, Marco Neng will continue to eat, and the weakening effect of mycotoxins increases with repeated exposure

Animal leukomalacia is more commonly referred to as moldy corn poisoning - the most common syndrome associated with mycotoxins in horses.

. This is the result of a fungus called Fusarium moniliform, which typically invades corn fields during drought or high humidity during harvest

Fusarium produces a toxin called fumonisins, which is consumed in sufficient amounts for at least one to two weeks to cause liver or nervous system problems, and is exposed for about a week to a month. The horse first exhibits disharmony and weakened response to stimuli, followed by hovering or aimless swimming, overexcitation, head pressed against solid, blindness, and partial paralysis. In the end, the affected animals came down and were unable to wake up. These signs are the result of extensive brain damage (autopsy revealed a rather frightening liquefaction of the Cerebral cortex), and horses that show them often die within 24-48 hours. Those who survive often suffer lifelong neurological defects and liver diseases. Using industrial dehumidifier, not only horses, cattle and sheep can avoid eating moldy food! To avoid unnecessary losses To minimize the chance of moldy corn entering your horse feed bucket, you can completely eliminate corn from your diet. However, please remember that other grains also have potential mold or fungal infections, making it difficult to achieve zero risk. Use industrial Dehumidifier to keep the grain storage environment dry and avoid food mildew

Feed processing plants are fully aware of the hazards of toxic mold and take several steps to ensure that their grains are free from mold, including strict testing of the moisture content in corn. Many recorded cases of ELEM are related to corn screening or the appearance or damage of corn kernels. Therefore, using high-quality corn for processing and testing in commercial feed factories can increase the chances of obtaining free corn with fumonisins

Try using your feed supply within a few weeks, especially in hot and humid weather, and discard any feed that has become wet or has been stored for more than six weeks in the summer
