Humidifier and Dehumidifier- which one is more needed in life-

Is there too much moisture in the air or not enough? Sometimes it may be difficult to find the appropriate balance Throughout the year, depending on the degree of dryness or humidity in the air, you m...

Is there too much moisture in the air or not enough? Sometimes it may be difficult to find the appropriate balance Throughout the year, depending on the degree of dryness or humidity in the air, you may need the help of a humidifier or dehumidifier

How do you decide which one you need?

When the air is too dry (humidity is lower than 35%), the humidifier will add water to the air. When the humidity is too high (humidity is higher than 50%), the Dehumidifier will absorb water from the air The humidity level of a typical household is between 35% and 45%. Maintaining humidity within this range ensures the most comfortable and healthy environment, while protecting your home from damage caused by excessive dryness or humidity

To find out what your home needs, you can check your air humidity with a digital humidity reader called a Hygrometer

humidifiers and Dehumidifier: explain the difference. Here are some facts about the different uses and working principles of these important indoor comfort systems:


In winter, it is common for the air to be too dry

This low humidity can cause health problems, such as nosebleed, headache, skin allergy and dry skin Low humidity can also cause wood products or wooden furniture to dry and crack. A humidifier helps to pour moisture into the air to avoid these problems and keep the respiratory tract unobstructed There are two main types of humidifiers: cool mist and warm mist. As their names imply, cold fog humidifiers release a cool vapor into the air, while warm fog humidifiers boil water and release warm vapor The key point to remember when using humidifiers is to keep them clean Mold and mold on these machines are prone to growth, so it is recommended to clean them after each use If moisture filled with mold and bacteria is added, the humidifier will have a counterproductive effect because you may get sick instead of staying healthy


Because of the hot and humid climate, you may find that you need a Dehumidifier more often than a humidifier. The Dehumidifier discharges the moisture in the air, which helps to minimize the growth of dust mites, molds and molds at home. If the air is too humid, many people will experience more allergies and asthma problems

There are several different Dehumidifier, including refrigeration, desiccant, ionic membrane and electronics

The following is a brief description of the working principle of these Dehumidifier:

refrigeration/mechanical - this Dehumidifier has a fan that can suck wet air into the device and refrigeration coil. The coil condenses and removes moisture from the air, dehumidifies it, and releases dry air back into the room. Refrigeration Dehumidifier is the most popular Dehumidifier Desiccant - Desiccant is a unique hygroscopic material that sucks moisture out of the air through a rotating system. Usually, heat is used to extract moisture from the desiccant

Ionic membrane - this Dehumidifier uses a process called electrolysis to remove water vapor, so there is no visible water, and the Dehumidifier hardly needs maintenance The electronic dehumidifier uses a heat pump to absorb water vapor from the air through condensation. Although this type is very quiet, it is not efficient
